Friday, February 24, 2012

PINTEREST “Just a Fad or the Next Big Social Networking Site?”

Have you heard the buzz about the latest social networking application, Pinterest? Do you know what Pinterest is? Pinterest is a tool for people to organize and share images online. It is basically an online scrapbook of all of your favorite things on the internet, these images are then known as Pins.  Users can place their Pins on their own boards and they can label boards with specific themes if desired, such as: wish list, wedding, home decorating, recipes, etc.

Why is the buzz of Pinterest spreading so fast? Pinterest connects users based on shared tastes and interest. Users can browse pinboards created by others, which provides a means for connecting and sharing. This is word of mouth marketing at its best.

Currently Pinterest is still an invite only site (let me know if you would like an invite, While you are not allowed to blatantly promote your business, many businesses are finding creative ways to promote their businesses though the use of Pinterest. Check out Whole Foods and Nordstrom’s pin boards for real world examples of businesses effectively using Pinterest to market their business.

We recently started using Pinterest for one of our customers. Check it out!

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